The Property

Situated at the North end of Cobb Lake, a 4100 acre reservoir and waterfowl sanctuary, Crooked Creek Duck Club has been designed to attract and hold massive quantities of waterfowl. With more than 1000 acres of total habitat, no expense has been spared in creating a system of marsh compartments designed to hold waterfowl on the property throughout the season. Our marsh component comprises more than 350 acres of prime waterfowl habitat, all flooded to an optimum depth and, with an abundant source of feed.

Multiple wells and pumps allow us to keep the marshes properly charged throughout the season. As well, these pumps allow us to keep open water in prime locations even during the coldest weather.

The balance of the property offers both dry land waterfowl hunting, as well as, excellent pheasant shooting. With a mixture of agricultural plots, fence rows, creek edges and fields of natural grass and weeds, Crooked Creek Duck Club is considered to be prime upland habitat. Many of our hunters choose to follow up their duck hunt with an afternoon of pursuing the many pheasant that inhabit the property.

To optimize hunting opportunity CCDC also leases key agricultural fields in the area for additional dry land water fowling.

Crooked Creek Duck Club

CR 2490 and CR 1220
Carnegie, Ok 73015